We Are Where We Choose To Be

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“Wherever you go, there you are!”

-Buckaroo Bonsai

This seems like a pretty simple saying, but the philosophy behind it can get quite deep when you expand your mind.

Life is a series of choices.

Every choice you have made has led to the next one.

If we don’t have free will, it sure seems like it.

The one thing we do have control of is ourselves.

Well… most of us… we may have to help the others.

We can choose how we respond to those around us.

The question is “What Kind of Person Do You Want To Be?”

Imagine being in the fairly busy store and a youngish child comes to the register to buy toilet paper.

The cashier rings them up and tells them the price.

The teen looks at the money in his hand and says, “I’m sorry, I don’t have enough.”

The person behind sees this and says, “Don’t worry, just add it to my bill.”

The kid turns, shocked and says, “Thank you so much!” and runs out the door.

We have all been every character in this story.

We have been the one in need because we were a little short.

We have been the witness to acts of kindness like the cashier.

And at least once in our lives we should have been the kind stranger.

And if we haven’t, what are we waiting for?

Consider this an invitation to make that choice.

We are who we chose to be!

We should be who we are wherever we chose to be.

Make choices that lead to positive interactions.

Life is like floating down the river on a boat.

Sometimes the river splits and we have to decide which way to go.

We have the oar and can steer ourselves in a positive direction.

Have the strength to choose the better path and…

Live your life with Intention.

Have faith in the destination and the path.

Be Authentic to yourself.

Be the best self you can be.

Be the kind person you would want to be around.

Times may change and people may change but…

“Wherever you go, there you are!”

And wherever you go…

I Find You Kind

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