It is here we begin to log our reality.
As we walk around, we see many other people going about their daily routines.
Upon closer inspection, we realize they are their own unique world, their own reality.
It is almost impossible for us to truly know what their individual reality is.
That is what makes our collective reality so important.
The words on these pages are written from our own personal reality.
With the exception of a few things on the home page and the about us.
We had been curious about ChatGPT and typed “Introduction to a Blog that is about when spirituality and weirdness combine to help us grow.”
Those 3 paragraphs were too good to not include on the site.
They were so poignant and insightful… We have to give credit when it is due.
However, more on that topic later.
- That everyone enjoys the thoughts and ideas in this blog. (At least a majority of them!)
- That we can agree to disagree with peace.
- No matter how you feel, you are not alone.
- Treat others with respect and it will come back to you.
- We reserve the right to add to this list at any time.
We hope you enjoy the content and if not thank you for stopping by.
For now, welcome to the journey sometimes forward and sometimes backward, but always interesting enough to start a conversation.
And as we always will… I Find You Kind