The Future is a Tree

We have been really into lucid dreaming or conscious dreaming lately.

One of the things I saw made sense to me and I wanted to share.

I had just woken up and saw my partner getting ready for her day.

What I then saw was roots coming out of her back and down to the ground.

In those roots, I could see her whole history.

The clearest pictures were of course the days I was with her.

Picture a life flashing by your eyes, but it isn’t yours.

But just like a video, you get to focus on the things you want to.

You can be positive and focus on the good things or

you can be negative and focus on the bad things.

I found focusing on the positive things reminded me why I love her.

Then she turned away from the mirror and more towards me.

That’s when I saw the tree.

It looked like it was growing right out of her.

It had beautiful, vibrant green, gigantic leaves.

I could see her future or at least possibilities.

There was one main branch with off shoots all the way up.

The bigger the branch, the more likely it is to happen.

You could tell where decisions were going to be made.

I figure it’s your decisions and personal growth that would be what determines which branch you go up.

Images here get much blurrier the further up you go.

My personal interpretation is that our future is a tree.

It signifies that our future is not set in stone.

That the future is a living and growing entity that can grow in different directions.

Our past, the roots, will always be what grounds us.

They give us ammunition and strength and balance to continue to grow.

Those roots grow as well and get stronger and deep with time.

They carry our memories and help us stand tall.

We need to appreciate the roots for they make us the person we are today.

We can revel in the fact that the future is open for many avenues of growth.

Decisions will be made and we can hope we chose wisely.

But for now live your best life and be kind.

I Find You Kind

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