Bret’s Blog

The Journey Begins

  • We Are Where We Choose To Be

    “Wherever you go, there you are!” -Buckaroo Bonsai This seems like a pretty simple saying, but the philosophy behind it can get quite deep when you expand your mind. Life is a series of choices. Every choice you have made has led to the next one. If we don’t have free will, it sure seems like…

  • Human Beings are Habitual Creatures

    A lot of what humans do on a daily basis is just out of habit. You wake up and have a coffee every morning. You know you don’t even like to talk to anyone unless you have that coffee. What time do you leave for work? Of course, you make time for traffic, you don’t…

  • One in a Gazillion

    We don’t know who needs to hear this today, but… YOU are special because you are unique. There are billions of other human beings residing on this earth, but not one of them can ever see the exact same things the exact same way as you do, at this moment. That makes YOU unique… Do you…