Author: TheRealBS
We Are Where We Choose To Be
“Wherever you go, there you are!” -Buckaroo Bonsai This seems like a pretty simple saying, but the philosophy behind it can get quite deep when you expand your mind. Life is a series of choices. Every choice you have made has led to the next one. If we don’t have free will, it sure seems like… Read more
Human Beings are Habitual Creatures
A lot of what humans do on a daily basis is just out of habit. You wake up and have a coffee every morning. You know you don’t even like to talk to anyone unless you have that coffee. What time do you leave for work? Of course, you make time for traffic, you don’t… Read more
One in a Gazillion
We don’t know who needs to hear this today, but… YOU are special because you are unique. There are billions of other human beings residing on this earth, but not one of them can ever see the exact same things the exact same way as you do, at this moment. That makes YOU unique… Do you… Read more
In Memory of Trees
As time goes by, we lose touch with ones we’ve loved. It’s as if they don’t exist to us or us to them. Life moves on… Remember when??? You may see them again in 10… 20… years. As time passes, some do as well. Is it any different when you find out? But there is… Read more
A Conversation with Thunder
Who doesn’t love a good storm. The rain rhythmically drumming the roof of the lanai. Meanwhile, the lightning brightly flashes and thunder rolls over the roof tops like a large wave. You hear a whisper softly in your ear. Listening intently, you hear the rain invite you to dance. “Come dance with us.” It whispers… Read more
The Future is a Tree
We have been really into lucid dreaming or conscious dreaming lately. One of the things I saw made sense to me and I wanted to share. I had just woken up and saw my partner getting ready for her day. What I then saw was roots coming out of her back and down to the ground.… Read more
Manifesting your Future
Millions of people have heard of “Manifesting your Destiny” or some may call it Manifestation. All of these people learned this information and said, “I don’t think it works.” I don’t think they are doing the math. Correct me if I’m wrong, but how bad can trying be? Let’s all try for a month and… Read more
WELCOME TO ALL TRAVELERS It is here we begin to log our reality. As we walk around, we see many other people going about their daily routines. Upon closer inspection, we realize they are their own unique world, their own reality. It is almost impossible for us to truly know what their individual reality is.… Read more